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Planning Revs Up For Roanoke



A young Virginia Tech scientist is standing up in a canoe, gesturing at the river around him. "Imagine this," he says. "It's 300 million years ago. There are no trees – just giant ferns. There are no birds or flowering plants. There are no dinosaurs – they won't show up for many millions of years. Everything about the landscape is utterly different. But in the river – the fish – are the same then as they are today."

Blue Sky for TRI?

EPA's public release of the latest Toxics Release Inventory data -- and rollback of Bush-era cutbacks on the amount of information chemical companies must report -- may have marked the beginning of a new era for the embattled program.

Attorney General Sets Openness as Standard for Fed Info

Carrying out a January 21 order by President Barack Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder has reversed the so-called "Ashcroft Memo," which had encouraged agencies during the George Bush presidency to err on the side of secrecy.

Transmission Superhighway May Carry Coal Power to Northeast

SolveClimate founder David Sassoon explains March 24, 2009, how energy policies and East-West differences in power transmission needs are quietly leaving the door open for the cheapest, dirtiest coal power to flood the Northeast under plans for what is intended to be a green transmission superhighway.
Author contact information: David Sassoon
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Source: ,

IPCC Plans Study of Climate Extremes

"OSLO -- A proposed U.N. study of climate extremes will be a practical guide for tackling natural disasters and fill a gap in past reports focused on the gradual effects of global warming, experts said.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Source: ,
