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Greenpeace Climate Climbers Busted on Mt. Rushmore

"Greenpeace activists were arrested Wednesday for scaling Mount Rushmore and hanging a banner next to the carved face of Abraham Lincoln urging President Barack Obama to get tough on climate change."
Source: AFP, 07/09/2009

"Global Deal on Climate-Warming HFCs Hinges on Secret White House Policy"

"Hydrofluorocarbons ... are ... many thousands of times more potent than CO2 as climate warming agents, and scientists say their spread could become as much as 50 percent of the global greenhouse gas problem by 2050. Yet the public is barely aware of the issue, and as the White House works to hammer out its policy, it seems to want to keep it that way."
Source: SolveClimate, 07/09/2009

"Group of 8 Agrees On a Ceiling for Temperature Rise"

"The world's leading industrial nations tentatively agreed Wednesday to try to prevent global temperatures from rising above a fixed level, after a more far-reaching proposal to slash production of greenhouse gases fizzled... ."
Source: WashPost, 07/09/2009

NOAA Fishery Advisers Have New Look

If you report for a coastal region where fisheries are important, it's a good time to investigate the membership makeup of your regional Fishery Management Council.

Feds Focus on 24 Solar Sites in 6 Western States

Good solar potential, relative proximity to existing or potential energy transmission corridors, and the perception of the fewest conflicts with existing land uses and the natural environment were factors in site selection.

"Hiring Lambs As Landscapers"

"Wine makers are shaking things up in their vineyards. Some of them use natural and organic methods to control pests and weeds instead of using pesticides. Now, one winery has discovered a unique, natural way to prune their grape vines."
Source: Environment Report, 07/08/2009
