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How Biden Aims To Amp Up The Government’s Fight Against Climate Change

"A new administration would enlist departments like Transportation, Agriculture and Treasury to advance its climate goals"

"President-elect Joe Biden is poised to embed action on climate change across the breadth of the federal government, from the departments of Agriculture to Treasury to State — expanding it beyond environmental agencies to speed U.S. efforts to mitigate global warming and to acknowledge that the problem touches many aspects of American life.

Source: Washington Post, 11/12/2020

"Shell Wants Biden to Reverse Methane Emissions Rollback"

"Royal Dutch Shell Plc will push for the reversal of President Donald Trump’s rollback of methane emissions rules and the introduction of carbon pricing when Joe Biden moves into the White House next year.

“Some of the regulatory rollbacks that we’ve seen under the current administration haven’t actually benefited our industry,” Shell U.S. President Gretchen Watkins said Tuesday on a webcast hosted by the Greater Houston Partnership.

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 11/11/2020

Biden Transition Team For Environment Includes Former Obama Officials

"President-elect Joe Biden’s transition teams for the Environmental Protection Agency and Transportation Department will be run by several agency alumni who served under President Barack Obama and helped craft regulations like the Clean Power Plan and tougher fuel economy standards for vehicles."

Source: Reuters, 11/11/2020

"9 Things the Biden Administration Could Do Quickly on the Environment"

"President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. campaigned on the most ambitious climate platform of any presidential candidate in history, promising to spend $2 trillion over four years to draw down planet-warming fossil fuel emissions and convert much of the nation to clean energy. The possibility that the Senate could remain under the control of Republicans, who have generally opposed climate legislation, puts a damper on some of his biggest-ticket plans."

Source: NYTimes, 11/10/2020

Trump Admin Removes Scientist in Charge of Assessing Climate Change

"The White House has removed the scientist responsible for the National Climate Assessment, the federal government’s premier contribution to climate knowledge and the foundation for regulations to combat global warming, in what critics interpreted as the latest sign that the Trump administration intends to use its remaining months in office to continue impeding climate science and policy."

Source: NYTimes, 11/10/2020
