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How Scott Pruitt Turned the EPA Into One Of Trump’s Most Powerful Tools

"Since 2010, the Environmental Protection Agency has been embroiled in an enforcement battle with a Michigan-based company accused of modifying the state’s largest coal-fired power plant without getting federal permits for a projected rise in pollution. On Dec. 7, as the Supreme Court was considering whether to hear the case, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt issued a memo that single-handedly reversed the agency’s position."

Source: Washington Post, 01/03/2018

Vehicles Now Biggest U.S. CO2 Source, But EPA Is Tearing Up Regulations

"Some of the most common avatars of climate change – hulking power stations and billowing smokestacks – may need a slight update. For the first time in more than 40 years, the largest source of greenhouse gas pollution in the US isn’t electricity production but transport – cars, trucks, planes, trains and shipping."

Source: Guardian, 01/02/2018

"Will 2018 Be A Better Year For US Environment Policy?"

"The U.S. has abandoned any claim to climate leadership as the only nation to pull out of the Paris Climate Accord. In Trump's Cabinet, climate denial is pretty much cause for a Merit Badge. Congressional leadership doesn't acknowledge climate change to be a problem, or even a thing."

Source: Daily Climate, 01/02/2018

"Northeast States Sue EPA Over Air Pollution From Midwest"

"Eight northeastern states said on Tuesday they sued the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to force it to impose more stringent controls on a group of mostly Midwestern states whose air pollution they claim is being blown in their direction."

Source: Reuters, 12/29/2017
