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"EPA: Despite His Assurances, Wheeler Met With Former Clients"

"Since Andrew Wheeler was sworn as EPA's second in command on April 20, the lobbying veteran has had at least three meetings with former clients that may have violated the Trump administration's ethics pledge and other promises he made to steer clear of potential conflicts of interest."

Source: Greenwire, 07/27/2018

"Thousands of Scientists Object To Trump’s Border Wall"

"Thousands of scientists expressed alarm this week at the expansion of the wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. A report in BioScience outlined the dangers of building a continuous and impermeable border wall, saying it would harm animals and plants in this sensitive region."

Source: Washington Post, 07/26/2018

"Here's How Trump's 'Greatest' Tariffs Can Hike Emissions"

"The oil and gas industry is looking for a mind reader. It thought that companies pursuing projects to help President Trump reach his "energy dominance" goal might get a free pass when it comes to his controversial steel tariffs. That might not be the case."

Source: ClimateWire, 07/26/2018

Dozens Of Lion Trophy Permits Issued To Hunters After Trump Rollback

"Many of the permits were issued to those with ties to Republicans and a major trophy hunting group."

"The federal government has issued more than three dozen permits allowing hunters to import lion trophies from two African nations since 2016, according to copies of the applications obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request.

Source: HuffPost, 07/26/2018

"California vs. Trump ‘Will Be A Giant Case’ Over Air Rules"

"WASHINGTON -- California and like-minded states are girding for a legal battle with the Trump administration on whether those states have gone too far in controlling greenhouse gases from automobiles, a prospective case that legal scholars say — barring a last-minute settlement — is sure to reach the U.S. Supreme Court.

The Environmental Protection Agency and other federal agencies are expected to announce, as soon as this week, a rollback of national fuel economy standards for vehicles. They could also revoke California’s ability to set its own, tougher, air pollution limits.

Source: McClatchy, 07/25/2018

Lawmakers, Lobbyists and the Administration Join Forces to Overhaul ESA

"The Endangered Species Act, which for 45 years has safeguarded fragile wildlife while blocking ranching, logging and oil drilling on protected habitats, is coming under attack from lawmakers, the White House and industry on a scale not seen in decades, driven partly by fears that the Republicans will lose ground in November’s midterm elections."

Source: NY Times, 07/23/2018

"EPA Staff Worried About Toxic Chemical Exposure — For Pruitt"

"Then-EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt's staff sought to protect him from exposure to toxic formaldehyde from an office desk last year, emails show — just months before his top political aides blocked the release of a report on health dangers from the same chemical."

Source: Politico, 07/23/2018
