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"Pruitt’s Successor Wants Rollbacks, Too. And He Wants Them to Stick."

"In his first three weeks on the job, Andrew Wheeler, the acting head of the Environmental Protection Agency, has sought to halt two major efforts by his predecessor, Scott Pruitt, to roll back environmental regulations, arguing that the policies are legally vulnerable, according to people who have heard his reasoning."

Source: NY Times, 07/30/2018

"From Dow’s ‘Dioxin Lawyer’ to Trump’s Choice to Run Superfund"

"The lawyer nominated to run the Superfund toxic cleanup program is steeped in the complexities of restoring polluted rivers and chemical dumps. He spent more than a decade on one of the nation’s most extensive cleanups, one involving Dow Chemical’s sprawling headquarters in Midland, Mich."

Source: NY Times, 07/30/2018

"Top Trump Officials Clash Over Plan to Let Cars Pollute More"

"Senior administration officials are clashing over President Trump’s plan to roll back a major environmental rule and let cars emit more tailpipe pollution, according to 11 people familiar with the confrontation, in a dispute over whether the proposal can withstand legal challenge."

Source: NY Times, 07/27/2018
