"Andrew Cuomo Faces An Environmental Revolt"
"The New York governor’s primary challenger, Cynthia Nixon, has emboldened activists frustrated by his ties to the fossil fuel industry and refusal to back serious climate legislation."
"The New York governor’s primary challenger, Cynthia Nixon, has emboldened activists frustrated by his ties to the fossil fuel industry and refusal to back serious climate legislation."
"'We want to protect our workers,' Trump said in 2017. But his administration has weakened measures designed to keep them safe."
"Northern West Virginia coal country will be ground zero for increased deaths and illnesses from the rollback on regulation of harmful emission from the nation's coal power plants."
"Governments are unprepared for a crucial climate change meeting in Poland later this year aimed at ensuring the full implementation of the 2015 Paris Agreement, Fiji Prime Minister Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama said on Tuesday at the opening of climate talks in Bangkok."
"The Trump administration cleared the Dakota Access oil pipeline on Friday, saying that further environmental review didn’t bring up any new concerns."
"Against an infernal backdrop of widespread wildfires, the Administration announced its plan to roll back rules limiting greenhouse-gas emissions from power plants."
"President Trump plans to nominate the current chief of Wyoming's Grand Teton National Park to lead the National Park Service (NPS), the White House announced Friday."
"A California man was arrested on Thursday and charged with threatening to shoot Boston Globe employees, calling them the “enemy of the people” for leading a nationwide editorial campaign critical of President Donald Trump."
"A shadowy mass comment campaign has emerged to support President Trump's proposed rollback of Obama-era clean car standards."
"When President Trump first took office and was looking for someone to head the Environmental Protection Agency’s chemical safety division, it didn’t go well."