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"Clean Water Act: EPA Falsely Claims 'No Data' On Waters In WOTUS Rule"

"The Trump administration says it doesn't know how many streams it is proposing to exclude from Clean Water Act jurisdiction today. But a 2017 slideshow prepared by EPA and Army Corps of Engineers staff shows that at least 18 percent of streams and 51 percent of wetlands nationwide would not be protected under the new definition of "waters of the United States," or WOTUS, announced today."

Source: Greenwire, 12/12/2018

"Environmental Groups To Sue Over Offshore Drilling Tests"

"Environmental groups plan to sue the Trump administration over offshore drilling tests, launching a legal fight against a proposal that has drawn bipartisan opposition along the Atlantic Coast, two people with direct knowledge of the pending litigation told The Associated Press on Monday."

Source: AP, 12/11/2018
