Challengers Rev Their Engines To Fight Trump's Auto Emissions Weakening
Blue states and environmental groups are eagerly preparing to sue the Trump Environmental Protection Agency over its rollback of climate-protecting vehicle emission standards.
Blue states and environmental groups are eagerly preparing to sue the Trump Environmental Protection Agency over its rollback of climate-protecting vehicle emission standards.
"Environmental groups today [Wednesday] scored a courtroom victory in their quest to obtain information relevant to EPA's rollback of Obama-era vehicle emissions standards."
"Three days before EPA issued a policy signaling to industry it would not penalize companies for failing to comply with environmental laws during the novel coronavirus pandemic, the American Petroleum Institute sent the agency a wish list. The oil and gas lobby got more than it had hoped for."
"President Trump is calling for a $2 trillion infrastructure package as part of the government’s emergency response to the coronavirus pandemic."
"President Trump talked yesterday with Russian President Vladimir Putin in an effort to convince him to bring to an end a global price war that's crippling U.S. oil producers."
"When the Trump administration rolled back endangered species protections in the Bay Area delta that serves as the hub of California’s water-supply system, the state decided to go its own way. It sued the federal government and also set about drafting its own delta rules under the California Endangered Species Act."
"At least seven National Park Service employees have tested positive for the novel coronavirus, yet the Trump administration continues to operate the park system that attracts thousands of Americans each day."
"As the Trump administration finalizes its plan to roll back Obama-era mileage standards, California announced it would sign a deal with yet another automaker to produce cars meeting stricter standards."
"Trump administration officials today defended their decision to finalize the rollback of clean car standards during the novel coronavirus crisis, prompting praise from conservatives and threats of lawsuits from environmentalists."
"The Trump administration, scrambling as deadlines approach, plans soon to release rules on fuel efficiency for new cars and trucks that have pitted the federal government against California on a policy key to combating climate change."