"On 'Noble' Journalists And Prizes"
"This year's Pulitzer winners and finalists feature five – count 'em – five environmental entries."
"This year's Pulitzer winners and finalists feature five – count 'em – five environmental entries."
"Environmentalists sued the Trump administration on Monday over the rollback of an Obama-era rule meant to police the release of powerful greenhouse gases known as hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) that are used in refrigerators."
"The Trump administration is diligently weakening US environment protections even amid a global pandemic, continuing its rollback as the November election approaches."
"The Trump administration on Thursday agreed to change rules governing key renewable energy tax credits, a win for wind farm owners seeking more time to claim the subsidies because new projects have been stalled by the global coronavirus pandemic."
"President Trump in recent weeks has sought to block or downplay information about the severity of the coronavirus pandemic as he urges a return to normalcy and the rekindling of an economy that has been devastated by public health restrictions aimed at mitigating the outbreak."
"The Trump administration shelved a document created by the nation’s top disease investigators with step-by-step advice to local authorities on how and when to reopen restaurants and other public places during the still-raging coronavirus outbreak."
"Dr. Rick Bright, the ousted director of the office involved in developing a coronavirus vaccine, formally filed an extensive whistleblower complaint Tuesday alleging his early warnings about the coronavirus were ignored and that his caution at a treatment favored by President Donald Trump led to his removal."
"National parks are starting to reopen as they seek to balance public safety concerns about the coronavirus with responding to the White House's push to start reopening sites."
"Trump promised oil and gas companies economic relief. But renewables are getting less focus in Washington."
"Electricity generated by renewable sources like solar, wind and hydro has exceeded coal-fired power in the United States for a record 40 straight days, according to a report based on U.S. government data released on Monday."