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"Environmental Group Sues Feds Over Grizzly Bear Decision"

"An environmental group filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration on Tuesday for failing to release public records on the termination of a program to restore grizzly bears to the North Cascades in Washington state."

Source: AP, 07/22/2020

"EPA: How Biden Could Use Air Law To Vanquish Trump Climate Legacy"

"Because the Trump administration spent 3 ½ years demolishing its predecessor's Climate Action Plan, Biden's team would have an opening to update rules for carbon, methane and hydrofluorocarbons that would exceed their Obama-era counterparts or be more tailored to the political, judicial and economic realities of the 2020s."

Source: E&E News, 07/22/2020

"New Emails Show How Energy Industry Moved Fast to Undo Curbs"

"The messages, made public in a lawsuit, suggest the E.P.A. rescinded a requirement on methane at the behest of an executive just weeks after President Trump took office."

"WASHINGTON — Not long after President Trump’s inauguration, the head of a fossil fuels industry group requested a call with the president’s transition team. The subject: Barack Obama’s requirement that oil and gas companies begin collecting data on their releases of methane.

That outreach, by Kathleen Sgamma, president of the Western Energy Alliance, appeared to quickly yield the desired results.

Source: NYTimes, 07/22/2020

"States Try Again To Block Coal Sales That Trump Revived"

"A coalition of states, environmentalists and American Indians on Monday renewed its push to stop the Trump administration from selling coal from public lands after a previous effort to halt the lease sales was dismissed by a federal judge."

Source: AP, 07/21/2020

"Democrats Eye Trump’s Game Plan to Reverse Late Rule Changes"

"At the dawn of the Trump era, Republicans in the White House and Congress turned an old law into a potent new weapon. An obscure 1996 statute was harnessed to wipe out 14 Obama-era regulations in 16 weeks, before President Trump set out to enact the most significant deregulatory agenda in the modern presidential era. ... Now Democrats are eager to show that turnabout is fair play ..."

Source: NYTimes, 07/20/2020
