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"Minnesota Releases List of 1,755 Harmful Chemicals"

"The Minnesota Department of Health on Thursday released a list of hundreds of chemicals that pose a potential health risk. The state's list includes 1,755 substances, among them lead, mercury, arsenic and cadmium. But it also includes many other organic chemicals that include pesticides, flame retardants, dyes and other chemicals used in industry or found in consumer products."

Source: Minn. Pub. Radio, 07/02/2010

"Potentially Harmful Chemicals Used in Pa. Drilling"

"Compounds associated with neurological problems, cancer and other serious health effects are among the chemicals being used to drill natural gas wells in Pennsylvania, although state and industry officials said Monday the practice is not polluting drinking water."

Source: AP, 06/29/2010

EPA Moves To Ban Endosulfan for Risks to Farm Workers and Wildlife

"The EPA, declaring that endosulfan is unsafe for farm workers, moves to ban one of the last organochlorine pesticides left in the United States. Like DDT, endosulfan accumulates in the environment and in the bodies of people and wildlife, and is transported around the world to remote places."

Source: EHN, 06/10/2010
