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"Greenhouse Gases Nearing Highly Dangerous Levels, Study Finds"

"Emissions of heat-trapping greenhouse gases are growing at such a rate that the world will probably exceed a safe limit in average global temperatures by the end of the century and veer into a higher temperature zone that would profoundly damage economic growth and most other aspects of life, according to a new report by the International Energy Agency."

Source: Chicago Tribune, 06/11/2013

"Canada Oil Output Will Double by 2030 If Pipelines Built"

To hear Canada's oil industry tell it, the U.S. State Department's draft environmental impact statement (EIS) on the proposed Keystone XL pipeline is exactly wrong. The EIS said Canada's tar sands oil would be shipped regardless of whether the pipeline is built. But the oil industry says it will double their output.

Source: FuelFix, 06/07/2013

"EPA To Issue Ethanol Use Targets This Summer"

"The Environmental Protection Agency plans to announce targets for U.S. ethanol use in 2013 and 2014 this summer, an EPA official told lawmakers on Wednesday, even as critics of the program warned of a brewing fuel crisis."

Source: Reuters, 06/06/2013
