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WHO Lists Sweetener Aspartame As Possible Cancer Cause. Some Say It’s Safe

"The World Health Organization’s cancer agency has deemed the sweetener aspartame — found in diet soda and countless other foods — as a “possible” cause of cancer, while a separate expert group looking at the same evidence said it still considers the sugar substitute safe in limited quantities.

The differing results of the coordinated reviews were released early Friday. One came from the International Agency for Research on Cancer, a special branch of the WHO. The other report was from an expert panel selected by WHO and another U.N. group, the Food and Agriculture Organization.

Source: AP, 07/14/2023

"It’s Deadline Day for Deep-Sea Mining"

"The International Seabed Authority had until this weekend to finish drafting exploitation regulations for deep-sea mining. They’re not done. So now what happens?"

Source: Hakai, 07/10/2023
