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"Wal-Mart To Pay $27.6M in California Dumping Case"

"Wal-Mart Stores Inc. has agreed to pay $27.6 million to settle allegations that it improperly handled and dumped hazardous waste at stores across California in a case that led to changes in the retailer's practices nationwide, prosecutors said Monday."

Source: AP, 05/05/2010

Mixquiahuala Journal: Fears That Lush Land May Lose a Foul Fertilizer

"For 100 years, Mexico City has flushed its wastewater north to irrigate the farmland of Hidalgo State. This foul cascade, which the farmers call 'the black waters,' flows through a latticework of canals and then trickles over the fields. So when word got out that the government was finally going to build a giant wastewater treatment plant, one might have expected the farmers around here to be excited. Instead, they were suspicious."

Source: NYTimes, 05/05/2010

"Earth Day: No More Burning Rivers, But New Threats"

"Pollution before the first Earth Day was not only visible, it was in your face: Cleveland’s Cuyahoga River caught fire. ... The challenges to the planet today are largely invisible -- and therefore tougher to tackle."

Source: AP, 04/22/2010

"Lautenberg Bill Seeks To Overhaul U.S. Chemical Laws"

"After a year of working with environmental groups, government regulators and the chemical industry, a leading advocate for chemical regulation has devised a plan to remake the nation's chemical laws -- a 34-year-old set of regulations that all players agree is outmoded and ineffective."

Source: Wash Post, 04/16/2010

"Most Barnett Shale Facilities Release Emissions"

"Plumes of toxic, smog-causing chemicals from Barnett Shale natural-gas operations are so common that inspectors find them nearly every time they look, a Dallas Morning News examination of government records shows. What's more, the inspectors have rarely looked."

Source: Dallas News, 04/12/2010
