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"Fuel Troubles in Iran"

Anti-government protestors took to the streets of Iran yesterday and were brutally suppressed by police. Just as high food prices helped fuel this month's revolution in Egypt, shortages of refined fuel and high prices for a range of goods are heightening pressures in Iran. Economic sanctions are one cause of the fuel shortage. The consequences ripple well beyond Iran's borders -- to Afghanistan, Armenia, and nations of the former Soviet Union, as well as oil-rich Persian Gulf nations.

Source: ENS, 02/15/2011

"Acrolein and Neuro Disorders"

Acrolein has been a suspect in several key neurological disorders, which are a leading cause of death and illness in the U.S. A new study has deepened understanding of acrolein's natural production in the body, as well as the possible role of environmental exposures to acrolein as a combustion by-product.

Source: EHP, 02/04/2011

"CPSC Delays Key Part of Anti-Lead Law"

"The government has again delayed independent safety tests required for many toys, youth all-terrain vehicles and other children's products as part of a 2008 anti-lead law -- a move meant to help small businesses burdened by the law."

Source: AP, 02/03/2011
