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"EPA Implicates Fracking in Groundwater Pollution"

"CHEYENNE - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced Thursday for the first time that fracking - a controversial method of improving the productivity of oil and gas wells - may be to blame for causing groundwater pollution."

Source: AP, 12/09/2011

"FDA Agrees To Determine Safety Of BPA"

"The Food and Drug Administration must come up with a decision by March 31 on whether to ban a chemical that’s widely used in plastics and the metal linings of food containers, according to a court settlement reached Wednesday between the agency and the Natural Re­sources Defense Council."

Source: Wash Post, 12/08/2011

"Senate Subcommittee Grills CPSC on Drywall"

"At a hearing in Washington yesterday, lawmakers pressed product safety and health regulators about their three-year investigation into contaminated drywall, expressing frustration with their progress on all fronts."

Source: ProPublica, 12/08/2011

"Colorado Delays Fracking Disclosure Decision"

"DENVER -- Colorado regulators decided Monday night to wait a week before they start deliberating a proposal to require oil and gas companies to publicly disclose what chemicals they use in hydraulic fracturing."

Source: AP, 12/06/2011

"EPA Tweaks Proposed Boiler Rule, Zeroes in on Largest Emitters"

"U.S. EPA [Friday] released a reworked package of proposed rules to tackle toxic emissions from 201,000 of the largest boilers and incinerators nationwide, hoping to clear up complaints from manufacturing groups as the agency clamps down on the industrial boilers that are one of the largest U.S. sources of harmful air pollution."

Source: Greenwire, 12/05/2011
