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"Super Weeds No Easy Fix For US Agriculture -- Experts"

"A fast-spreading plague of 'super weeds' taking over U.S. farmland will not be stopped easily, and farmers and government officials need to change existing practices if food production is to be protected, industry experts said on Thursday."

Source: Reuters, 05/11/2012

"Chemical Industry Lobbyists Keep Stronger Oversight Plan at Bay"

"With efforts to revamp the nation's chemical safety law stalled in Congress, the Obama administration's top environmental regulator vowed three years ago to act on her own to beef up the oversight of toxic substances. But key parts of the initiative by Lisa Jackson, the administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, are still bottled up in an obscure White House office under intense pressure from industry lobbyists to back off."

Source: Chicago Tribune, 05/10/2012

"Big Tobacco Wins Fire Marshals as Allies in Flame Retardant Push"

"The problem facing cigarette manufacturers decades ago involved tragic deaths and bad publicity, but it had nothing to do with cancer. It had to do with house fires. Smoldering cigarettes were sparking fires and killing people. And tobacco executives didn't care for one obvious solution: create a 'fire-safe' cigarette, one less likely to start a blaze."

Source: Chicago Tribune, 05/09/2012

"Canton Fire Shows Gaps in Information for Responders"

"Dispatched to a one-story brick warehouse in flames on Baylis Street in [the] Canton [neighborhood of Baltimore, Md.] last month, firefighters did not know it contained 8,000 gallons of corrosive chemicals. But not because it wasn't known to the Baltimore City Fire Department."

Source: Baltimore Sun, 05/08/2012

"Food-Packaging Chemical Could Lead To Breast Cancer, Study Finds"

"A new study of fetal exposure to BPA, a plastic additive found in some food packaging, shows that the chemical altered the mammary gland development in monkeys. The researchers reported that the changes they observed in the monkeys reinforce concerns that BPA - bisphenol A - could contribute to breast cancer in women."

Source: McClatchy, 05/08/2012

"U.S. Proposes New Rules For Fracking On Federal Lands"

"The Obama administration unveiled long-awaited rules on Friday to bolster oversight on public lands of oil and natural gas drilling using fracking technology that has ushered in a boom in drilling but also triggered environmental protests."

Source: Reuters, 05/07/2012
