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"Why Vultures Might Just Be the Smartest Birds Above the Block"

"The two lappet-faced vultures had been together for just a few months, yet the massive birds, with their watchful, featherless gargoyle faces and their dark mottled body plumage so plush it looks like fur, had already mastered the avian version of monkey-see-monkey-do."

Source: NYTimes, 11/13/2023

"As Fall Migration Arrives, Apps That ID Birds By Sound Have Taken Off"

"I was sitting in solitude earlier this summer in an Adirondack chair in my backyard, when I realized I wasn’t as alone as I’d thought. Thanks to the app I’d just downloaded on my phone — the popular and free Merlin Bird ID — I learned just from listening that I was surrounded by more than a dozen species of birds."

Source: AP, 09/08/2023
