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'Threatened' Listing Proposed for Bird in Plains Energy Region

"The Interior Department [Friday] proposed Endangered Species Act protection for the lesser prairie chicken, a grayish-brown grouse whose native grasslands and prairie habitat in Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas has declined by about 84 percent."

Source: Greenwire, 12/03/2012

BP's Profits-First Culture Prompts 11 Felony Guilty Pleas, $4.5B Fines

"Citing gross negligence and what it called the company's profits-first culture, the federal government on Thursday announced it had entered into a settlement with BP of all criminal claims stemming from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, fining the company a record $4.5 billion and securing 11 felony pleas from the company for the 11 people killed in the April 2010 blast."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 11/16/2012

"Feds Finalize Tribal Eagle Feather Policy"

"FRISCO, Colo. -- Federal officials say that, after consultation with Indian tribes, they’ve clarified a  national policy addressing the right of Native Americans to possess or use eagle feathers for cultural and religious expression."

Source: Summit County Voice, 10/16/2012
