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"Sage Grouse Review Done, But Scant Time For Trump’s Changes"

"The Trump administration has completed a review of plans to ease protections for a struggling bird species in seven states in the U.S. West, but there’s little time to put the relaxed rules for industry into action before President-elect Joe Biden takes office."

Source: AP, 01/13/2021

"Trump Admin, in Parting Gift to Industry, Reverses Bird Protections"

"The Trump administration gutted protections for migratory birds on Tuesday, delivering the second of two parting gifts to the oil and gas industry, which has long sought to be shielded from liability for killing birds unintentionally in oil spills, toxic waste ponds and other environmental disasters."

Source: NYTimes, 01/06/2021

Restoring Wildlife Protections Erased by Trump Could Take Biden Years

"When President-elect Joe Biden walks through the door of the White House with his rescue dog, Major, he will inherit a Migratory Bird Treaty Act that no longer protects birds, a watered-down Endangered Species Act, and a policy that allows hunters in Alaska to crawl into bear and wolf dens to shoot mothers and their babies."

Source: Washington Post, 12/29/2020

"Trump Officials Move To Relax Rules On Killing Birds"

"A rule change easing companies’ liability for killing birds would not cause unacceptable environmental harm, the Trump administration said in an analysis published Friday, clearing the way for it to finalize a major rollback before the president’s term ends on Jan. 20."

Source: Washington Post, 11/30/2020
