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What Will Happen To Millions Of Retired Electric Car Batteries?

"A tsunami of electric vehicles is expected in rich countries, as car companies and governments pledge to ramp up their numbers – there are predicted be 145m on the roads by 2030. But while electric vehicles can play an important role in reducing emissions, they also contain a potential environmental timebomb: their batteries."

Source: Guardian, 08/23/2021

Biden Calls For Half Of New Cars To Be Electric Or Plug-In Hybrids By 2030

"President Biden on Thursday unveiled a far-reaching, multipronged plan to make U.S. cars and light trucks more fuel-efficient and to begin a shift to electric vehicles over the coming decade. The move marks one of the administration’s most consequential pushes so far to combat climate change and tackle the nation’s biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions."

Source: Washington Post, 08/06/2021

White House To Roll Out Car Rules Today — Sources

"The Biden administration is planning to unveil new emissions rules for cars tomorrow [Thursday] during an event at the White House featuring industry officials and electric vehicles, according to three sources."

Source: E&E News, 08/05/2021

"Toyota Led on Clean Cars. Now Critics Say It Works to Delay Them."

"The Toyota Prius hybrid was a milestone in the history of clean cars, attracting millions of buyers worldwide who could do their part for the environment while saving money on gasoline. But in recent months, Toyota, one of the world’s largest automakers, has quietly become the industry’s strongest voice opposing an all-out transition to electric vehicles — which proponents say is critical to fighting climate change."

Source: NYTimes, 07/29/2021

"Democrats Call Infrastructure Bill a Down Payment on Climate"

"The  $1 trillion infrastructure deal reached by a bipartisan group of senators on Wednesday would make a significant down payment on President Biden’s ambitious environmental agenda, including the first federal expenditure on electric vehicle charging stations and the largest investment in public transit and clean water systems in the nation’s history."

Source: NYTimes, 07/29/2021

"Biden Mileage Rule To Exceed Obama Climate Goal"

"In a major step against climate change, President Joe Biden is proposing a return to aggressive Obama-era vehicle mileage standards over five years, according to industry and government officials briefed on the plan. He’s then aiming for even tougher anti-pollution rules after that to forcefully reduce greenhouse gas emissions and nudge 40% of U.S. drivers into electric vehicles by decade’s end."

Source: AP, 07/28/2021
