Rocky Kistner - Board Candidate 2023

Rocky Kistner

SEJ colleagues:

I’m running for the SEJ board after being temporarily appointed to the board earlier this year. It’s been an honor to serve with my fellow board members and I’ve learned a lot about the organization and its mission.

In addition to my work as a board member, I’ve served on SEJ’s fundraising and membership committees, as well as the editorial advisory committee where I co-edit SEJournal’s Inside Story. It would be a privilege to continue to work on the board for a full term.

As most of you know, I have worked on a variety of topics and in virtually all forms of media over the past four decades, but environmental reporting has always been my passion. My experience covering the BP oil disaster drew me into my current focus on environmental issues in the Gulf of Mexico.

But in recent years I’ve been increasingly interested in trying to give back to the profession I’ve worked in over the past 40 years, a craft that faces unprecedented financial and political threats. As a recent empty-nester, I have more time to devote to this cause. I am working with the Uproot Project to mentor young journalists of color who are working on environmental topics. I hope to work with other journalists from SEJ as well. Nothing gives me more satisfaction than to see these reporters grow and succeed. They are our future.

My focus also is to help build a well-funded and diverse SEJ that can become a sanctuary of support and cooperation for environmental journalists of all backgrounds. I have worked on the task force to develop the SEJ Future Council, a separate fundraising initiative that will provide philanthropic support to our organization as individual funders acknowledge the surging climate and environmental crisis ahead. Nothing could be more important than providing financial support to journalists who report on these critical topics.

Finally, I have been a huge supporter of SEJ’s work to build equity and inclusion efforts into every aspect of this organization. Diversity is key to our continued growth and evolution as a journalism organization that equally represents all of the communities we cover, communities we know are impacted most severely by growing toxic and climate assaults.

In addition, our organization needs to continue to reach out and support younger journalists, allowing their voices to help guide us into the future. We are stronger if we are more diverse, and that must be our guiding principle. I am proud to have served as a board member of this organization, and I would be grateful to continue this work. As I have said before, my kids—all of ours—depend on journalists who report the truth and separate what’s real and what’s not. That is especially true for environmental reporters working in a time of an existential climate crisis. I would be honored to help support all of you who are doing this critical work.


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