Waxman Wants GOP Chairman To Probe Climate Skeptic’s Industry Funding

"Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), the top Democrat on the Energy and Commerce Committee, is urging committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-Mich.) to probe whether a high-profile climate skeptic misled the panel about how much the petroleum industry funds his work.

In a letter to Upton Monday, Waxman urges Upton to help him explore how much the petroleum industry backs Dr. Patrick Michaels, a scholar with the conservative Cato Institute who testified before the committee about climate change in 2009.

'I am writing you about his testimony because it now appears that in both the materials he initially submitted to the Committee and in response to questions for the record submitted by a Committee member after the hearing, Dr. Michaels may have provided misleading information about the sources of his funding and his ties to industries opposed to regulation of emissions responsible for climate change,' Waxman writes in his letter to Upton."

Ben Geman reports in E2 Wire blog for The Hill January 24, 2011.


"Waxman Asks if Pat Michaels Has Misrepresented His Funding" (DeSmogBlog)

"Waxman Asks Upton To Examine Dr. Patrick Michaels's Testimony" (States News Service)

Source: E2 Wire, 01/25/2011