"Remember that questionable study put out by the State University at Buffalo earlier this year, the one that claimed Pennsylvania was doing a good job at regulating the fracking industry? This week SUNY Buffalo's president announced his decision to shutter its publisher, the school's own Shale Resources and Society Institute (SRSI)."
"University president Satish Tripathi did not mince words when it came to explaining why. 'Conflicts—both actual and perceived—can arise between sources of research funding and expectations of independence when reporting research results,' he wrote in a public letter released to the university community on Monday. 'This, in turn, impacted the appearance of independence and integrity of the institute's research.' "
Sydney Brownstone reports for Mother Jones November 21, 2012.
"University At Buffalo Closes Its Shale Gas Research Institute Amid Accusations Of Undisclosed Industry Ties " (AP)