"WASHINGTON — The Senate Agriculture Committee passed a five-year, half-trillion-dollar farm bill on Thursday that would cut spending by almost $25 billion."
"The legislation would slash subsidy payments in favor of new crop insurance programs, despite opposition from Southern lawmakers concerned the legislation would hurt growers in their region.
The approval by a 16-5 vote marks the start of a daunting challenge for lawmakers to implement new farm legislation before the current law expires Sept. 30.
Hurdles include the politics of the November election, pressure to reduce deficits and the need to iron out differences with the House, which has floated cuts of as much as $33 billion, including a larger reduction in spending for food stamps. The House has not established a timetable for acting on its version of the bill."
Christopher Doering of the Gannett Washington Bureau reports in the Des Moines Register April 26, 2012.
"Farm Bill Lacks Authority for First-Line Disease Testing System" (National Journal)
"Regional Battle Opens Over Major Farm Bill" (Politico)
"Farm Bill OK'd by Senate Panel" (AP)
"Farm Bill Markup Proceeds Despite Opposition From Southern Senators" (On The Money/The Hill)
"Farm Plan Seeks Deep Subsidy Cut" (Wall St. Journal)
[You can get free access to this subscriber article by putting the title in the Google search field and clicking on the resulting links.]
"Farm Bill Amendment Adds Mandatory Funding for Farm Energy Programs" (Agri-Pulse)
"Senate Farm Panel Approves Spending Cuts 60 Years in Making" (Bloomberg)
"Farm Bill Kicked to Senate by Ag Committee" (Farm Futures)