"Salazar Said To Have Threatened To 'Punch Out' Reporter"

"Interior Secretary Ken Salazar reportedly threatened to punch a reporter with the Colorado Springs Gazette after he asked him about the Bureau of Land Management's wild horses program at an Election Day get out the vote event."

"Reporter Dave Philipps conducted a two-minute interview with Salazar, a Democrat, at the event at an Obama campaign office in Fountain on Election Day.

The interview -- recorded by Philipps and and witnessed by Ginger Kathrens, head of the Cloud Foundation, a Colorado-based wild horse advocacy organization -- was 'perfectly pleasant' until the end, Kathrens said.

'He asked him about his what his major accomplishments were and then asked him about his travels, what he was doing and then he asked him about the 1,700 wild horses in BLM holding facilities,' Kathrens said. 'Salazar said he didn't know very much about it, but that it was his understanding there was an investigation being done.'   "

Allison Sherry reports for the Denver Post November 13, 2012.


"Buyer of Wild Horses Under Investigation by State, Feds" (ProPubllica)

"Salazar Says He 'Regrets' Threatening To Punch Gazette Reporter" (Colorado Springs Gazette)

"Witness: Salazar Threatened Colorado Reporter" (Politico)

"Gazette Reporter Philipps Earns Pulitzer Finalist Honors" (Colorado Springs Gazette)

Press Release: "Interior Secretary Threatens To 'Punch Out' Colorado Springs Reporter" (Cloud Foundation)

Source: Denver Post, 11/14/2012