"Oil prices sank again on Monday, giving consumers more of a break and causing a split among OPEC leaders about what action should be taken, if any, to halt the slide.
The price drop has led to a near free fall in gasoline prices in the United States. On Monday, the national average price for regular gasoline was $3.20, 9 cents lower than it was a week ago and 14 cents below the price a year ago, according to the AAA motor club.
The price at the pump generally follows oil after a few days, leading energy experts to predict lower prices for the rest of the month at least."
Clifford Krauss reports for the New York Times October 13, 2014.
"Dropping Oil Prices Could Threaten U.S. Fracking Boom" (McClatchy)
"Lower Oil Price Could Help Refiners" (Wall St. Journal)
"Oil Price Drop Threatens To Hit Russia, Iran Harder Than Sanctions" (Los Angeles Times)
"IEA Sees 2015 Oil Demand Growth Much Lower, Supply Hitting Prices" (Reuters)
"Privately, Saudis Tell Oil Market- Get Used To Lower Prices" (Reuters)
"OPEC Split as Oil Prices Fall Sharply"
Source: NY Times, 10/14/2014