"FARGO, N.D. — The furious pace of energy exploration in North Dakota is creating a crisis for farmers whose grain shipments have been held up by a vast new movement of oil by rail, leading to millions of dollars in agricultural losses and slower production for breakfast cereal giants like General Mills.
The backlog is only going to get worse, farmers said, as they prepared this week for what is expected to be a record crop of wheat and soybeans.
'If we can’t get this stuff out soon, a lot of it is simply going to go on the ground and rot,' said Bill Hejl, who grows soybeans, wheat and sugar beets in the town of Casselton, about 20 miles west of here."
Ron Nixon reports for the New York Times August 25, 2014.
"All Aboard! Tar Sands Bitumen by Rail Set to Eclipse Pipelines Like Keystone XL" (DeSmogBlog)
"Grain Piles Up, Waiting for a Ride, as Trains Move North Dakota Oil"
Source: , 08/26/2014