"Global Malaria Battle Stalls as Financing Gets Tight"

"Global funding for the fight against malaria has stalled in the past two years, threatening to reverse what the World Health Organisation (WHO) says are 'remarkable recent gains' in the battle to control one of the world's leading infectious killers."

"After rapid expansion between 2004 and 2009, funding for malaria prevention and control leveled off between 2010 and 2012 - meaning there were fewer life-saving steps taken in hard- hit malarial regions such as sub-Saharan Africa.

'If we don't scale up vector control activities in 2013 we can expect major resurgences of malaria,' said Richard Cibulskis, lead author of the WHO's World Malaria Report, which was published on Monday."

Kate Kelland reports for Reuters December 17, 2012.

Source: Reuters, 12/18/2012