"David Schnare, who resigned from U.S. EPA earlier this year under a cloud of controversy, is faulting Administrator Scott Pruitt over his leadership of the agency.
In an op-ed published yesterday in Inside EPA, Schnare, a member of President Trump's transition and "beachhead" teams for the agency, said Pruitt rarely met with senior career EPA employees and issued an order that Schnare didn't identify but considered outside the law. He also took issue with the EPA chief's proposed "red team, blue team" exercise to debate climate change science.
Schnare said he was in line to be assistant deputy administrator at EPA, essentially the agency's chief operations officer and No. 3 in charge. But he repeatedly clashed with Pruitt, leading to his resignation."
Kevin Bogardus reports for Greenwire July 26, 2017.
"EPA: Transition Aide Blasts Pruitt, 'Red Team, Blue Team' Scheme"
Source: Greenwire, 07/27/2017