"EPA To Issue Ethanol Use Targets This Summer"

"The Environmental Protection Agency plans to announce targets for U.S. ethanol use in 2013 and 2014 this summer, an EPA official told lawmakers on Wednesday, even as critics of the program warned of a brewing fuel crisis."

"The United States is nearing the point where the law will require use of more ethanol than can be physically blended into the fuel supply at the most prevalent level of 10 percent ethanol per gallon.

'When Congress wrote this law, Congress anticipated that the market would solve this problem,' Christopher Grundler, the EPA's director of the office of transportation and air quality, told lawmakers at a House oversight committee hearing.

'Clearly, it has not been resolved,' he said."

Ayesha Rascoe reports for Reuters June 6, 2013.

Source: Reuters, 06/06/2013