"Long-awaited revisions to the Delaware River Basin Commission's proposed rules that would govern natural-gas development in the watershed were released Tuesday."
"The highly technical document of 100-plus pages would permit only 300 wells to be drilled until a reassessment is done after 18 months. The rules also call for more water monitoring, more water-use restrictions, and more money to be set aside for remediation.
Observers on all sides said the rules were too complicated to assess quickly. A vote is expected at a Nov. 21 special meeting, and the rules, if passed, would become effective 60 days later. After that, drilling companies could begin the application process that would lead to the first production wells in the Delaware River basin."
Sandy Bauers reports for the Philadelphia Inquirer November 9, 2011.
"'Fracking' Fans, Foes Say Rules Allow Drilling in Delaware Basin" (Middletown Times Herald-Record)