For Coal Magnate Tied To Trump, Accusations Of Government 'Bailout'

"Critics call Perry's proposal raising coal, nuclear plants' rates a bailout"

"WASHINGTON - The Ohio coal magnate Robert Murray had a problem.

Coal prices were near historic lows, and the prognosis for coal mining companies, including Murray Energy, was only going to get worse as their best customers, coal-fired power plants, closed across the country. Murray, a prominent supporter of President Donald Trump, turned to the president, urging him to declare an emergency across the electric grid that would prevent any more coal plants from closing, according to a letter Murray sent to the White House in August.

Less than two months later, Energy Secretary Rick Perry, whose failed 2012 presidential campaign received a six-figure contribution from Murray and his employees, released a controversial plan to raise electricity prices paid to coal and nuclear plants. The proposal falls short of the emergency declaration sought by Murray, analysts said, but it nonetheless appears designed to particularly benefit Murray and his company."

James Osborne reports for the Houston Chronicle November 12, 2017.


"Bob Murray Says Trump's At Work On Industry 'Action Plan'" (Greenwire)

"Trump’s Choice for No. 2 at EPA Admitted He Saw Coal Baron’s Action Plan To Dismantle Agency" (Think Progress)

"Murray Benefits Big League Under Perry Grid Plan" (Politico)

"EPA: Wheeler Draws Scrutiny For Coal Giant's 'Three-Page Plan'" (E&E News PM)

"EPA No. 2 nominee was present for crafting of DOE NOPR as Murray Energy lobbyist" (Utility Dive)

"EPA Nominee Struggles To Distance Himself From Coal Company Lobbying" (Washington Examiner)

"Whitehouse Calls for Release of Murray’s ‘Action Plan’" (Sen. Whitehouse release)

"EPA Doesn't Have Murray 'Action Plan' — Spokeswoman" (Greenwire)

Source: Houston Chronicle, 11/15/2017