"Canada Court Orders New Hearing In Youth-Led Climate Suit"

"TORONTO - The court of appeal in Canada's most populous province ordered a new hearing on Thursday in a youth-led lawsuit claiming Ontario's climate plan violates young people's rights.

The ruling - which refuted the lower court's finding that the case is not governed by Canada's Charter - sends the case back to a lower court for another hearing meant to determine whether Ontario's climate target violates their rights and whether to order the province to devise a new target.

The lawsuit, launched against Ontario by seven people now aged 17 to 29, is the first Canadian human rights-based climate lawsuit to be heard on its merits.

It argued the province's greenhouse gas emissions target is inadequate and violates the young people's right to life, liberty and security, along with their right to equality."

Anna Mehler Paperny reports for Reuters October 17, 2024.

Source: Reuters, 10/18/2024