"Between Attacks on Electric Cars, Trump Says They’re ‘Incredible’"

"The former president’s comments on E.V.s have shifted since he has grown more friendly with Elon Musk, the billionaire head of Tesla."

"Former President Donald J. Trump has spent years ridiculing electric vehicles, saying they don’t go far, are too expensive and are made in China. He has promised to end federal support for electric vehicles, a central feature of President Biden’s strategy to cut the carbon dioxide that is heating the planet.

But in recent months, Mr. Trump has been saying some nice things about E.V.s. While he still throws some shade on electric vehicles, in the same breath he also tells crowds that he likes them.

On Saturday, he went further, telling a rally in Grand Rapids, Mich., “I’m constantly talking about electric vehicles but I don’t mean I’m against them. I’m totally for them.” Moments later he said, “I’ve driven them and they are incredible, but they’re not for everybody.”

This subtle softening began after Mr. Trump met in March with Elon Musk, the billionaire chief executive of Tesla, in Palm Beach, Fla. The two men began frequent discussions on a range of topics, including conversations about electric vehicles, according to comments Mr. Musk made last month at a shareholders meeting. “He just called me out of the blue,” Mr. Musk said. “I don’t know why, but he does.”"

Lisa Friedman reports for the New York Times July 23, 2024.


Source: NYTimes, 07/24/2024