America's 'Most Endangered Rivers' List: Sewage, Toxic Algae, Construction

"Water scarcity, overuse and development are among the reasons why 10 waterways across the nation were ranked this year’s most endangered rivers by the advocacy group American Rivers.

Billed as “a call to action" to defend streams and rivers, the 39th annual America's Most Endangered Rivers list is not all bad news, says Amy Souers Kober, spokesperson for the Washington, D.C.-based group. "These are rivers where the public has a chance to speak up and make good things happen."

River nominations are solicited each year, and they're evaluated based on waterways' significance to people and wildlife, the magnitude of threats and pending decisions in the coming year that the public can influence. Reports for each river spell out how people can take action to speak up on behalf of the river, Kober said."

Dinah Voyles Pulver reports for USA TODAY April 16, 2024.


"America's Most Endangered Rivers of 2024" (American Rivers)

Source: USA TODAY, 04/18/2024