Water & Oceans

"EPA Should Set Nutrient Limits To Block Dead Zones, IG Says"

"The Environmental Protection Agency should move immediately to adopt enforceable limits on the release of nutrient pollutants -- such as fertilizer and sewage -- into rivers and streams to halt the creation of dangerously low oxygen areas in water bodies, and the dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico should be one of its first targets, the agency's Office of Inspector General said in a report made public today."
Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 08/31/2009

"Scientists Uncover New Ocean Threat From Plastics"

"Scientists have identified a new source of chemical pollution released by the huge amounts of plastic rubbish found floating in the oceans of the world. A study has found that as plastics break down in the sea they release potentially toxic substances not found in nature and which could affect the growth and development of marine organisms."
Source: Independent, 08/20/2009

"Taking Down Levees in Louisiana"

"Man made levees line the banks of the Mississippi River and its tributaries. They protect towns and they allow farmers to plow the bottomlands. But levees come at a price: habitat destruction and worse flooding downstream. Now, more people are calling for taking down levees and returning floodplain areas to their natural state."
Source: Environment Report, 08/17/2009

"Obama Admin Breathes New Life Into Long-Delayed Great Lakes Restoration Program"

"EPA is rolling out a new package of restoration programs that could begin shifting the Great Lakes back toward ecological health. The program, known as the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, is backed by a $475 million pledge from the White House and House of Representatives, which approved full funding for the program in June."
Source: Greenwire, 08/14/2009


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