Water & Oceans

How Ice Fishing Can Break the Ice on Your Local Climate Story

What does dragging an old car onto an ice-covered lake have to do with informing your community about the perils of climate heating? Potentially a good deal. The latest TipSheet explains how waning winters and the potential impact on the entertaining tradition of ice fishing can serve as an entry into more serious matters. A dozen story ideas and resources to get you started.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Parties Near Settlement Over Tribal Rights To Colorado River Water

"A Native American tribe with one of the largest outstanding claims to water in the Colorado River basin is closing in on a settlement with more than a dozen parties, putting it on a path to piping water to tens of thousands of tribal members in Arizona who still live without it."

Source: AP, 03/01/2024

Study Says 2023’s Crazy Atlantic Ocean Heat Foretells Much Hotter World

"Off the charts “crazy” heat in the North Atlantic ocean and record-smashing Antarctic sea ice lows last year are far more severe than what Earth’s supposed to get with current warming levels. They are more like what happens at twice this amount of warming, a new study said."

Source: AP, 03/01/2024

Greens To Petition Biden For Cleanup Rules For Offshore Oil Infrastructure

"A coalition of environmental advocacy groups will petition the Biden administration to propose rules that require stricter enforcement for cleaning up leftover infrastructure for offshore drilling."

Source: The Hill, 02/29/2024

Cities Warn of Funding Struggle as EPA Preps PFAS Drinking Water Rule

"Cash-strapped city water systems are struggling to envision how they’ll pay to filter “forever chemicals” out of drinking water in light of an EPA rule that could be finalized as soon as March."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 02/28/2024

Ohio Awards Bids To Frack Oil And Gas Under State Parks, Wildlife Areas

"An Ohio commission awarded bids to frack oil and gas under state parks Monday, despite statewide backlash and an ongoing investigation into possibly fraudulent support."

Source: AP, 02/27/2024

TX Railroad Commission Approves Toxic Waste Ponds Next to Baptist Camp

"Texas regulators recently authorized a company to operate ponds to store and recycle millions of gallons of oilfield wastewater laced with toxic chemicals next to a Baptist summer camp in the Permian Basin."

Source: Inside Climate News, 02/27/2024


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