Water & Oceans

June 14, 2021 to June 16, 2021

Chemical Toxicants in Water: A GeoHealth Perspective in the Context of Climate Change

Northern Arizona University​'s Center for Health Equity Research invites you to their virtual workshop featuring nine distinguished speakers across three themes: Chemicals of Emerging Concern, Arsenic in Water Resources, Intersection between Chemical Pollution and Climate Change. Noon.-3:00 p.m. ET each day.


Emails Show Mining Industry, Home-Builders Shaped Arizona Water Bill

"Newly released emails reveal that lawyers and lobbyists for mining companies, developers and the agriculture industry had a hand behind the scenes in shaping Arizona’s newly adopted law on clean-water rules for rivers and streams."

Source: Arizona Republic, 05/14/2021

EPA to Jackson, Miss.: Water Safe To Drink Despite Numerous Problems

"Officials with the Environmental Protection Agency on Tuesday spelled out significant concerns with the city's water system, including necessary fixes to maintain safe drinking water, following the worst water crisis Jackson has seen in recent history."

Source: Jackson Clarion Ledger, 05/13/2021

"Company Defies Michigan Governor’s Order To Close Pipeline"

"An Upper Midwestern oil pipeline continued operating Wednesday, despite a shutdown demand from Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer that the operator warned could lead to fuel disruptions similar to those resulting from a cyberattack on an East Coast system."

Source: AP, 05/13/2021


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