Water & Oceans

"Groups File Complaint Against Water Utility Over Lead Pipes"

"Five environmental and community groups have filed a civil rights complaint with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency alleging the Providence Water Supply Board’s infrastructure and lead pipe replacement work disproportionately increases the risk of lead exposure for residents of color."

Source: AP, 01/07/2022

Biden Administration Eyes Wind Leases Off California’s Coast

"The administration wants to sell its first lease in 2022, and a new bill in California requires a plan. Some in Humboldt have been waiting years for this moment to arrive."

"In the early 20th century, the U.S. Census Bureau declared Humboldt County, California—now famous for its redwoods—the “principal center” of the state’s lumber industry. In 1900, the product accounted for nearly 60 percent of the region’s exports.

But now, though lumber yards and wood suppliers still line Humboldt Bay, the industry is a shadow of its former self.

Source: Inside Climate News, 01/06/2022

Reporters Reveal ‘Decades of Deceit’ Over Underground Water Contamination

A trove of confidential documents about a well-known groundwater pollution problem helped journalists Paul LaRocco and David M. Schwartz uncover how much had actually been hidden about the contamination’s severity and how it could have been kept from worsening. In the latest Inside Story Q&A, LaRocco and Schwartz share the story behind their award-winning investigation.

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Lead Pipes To Make News on the Environment Beat in 2022

A crisis of lead in drinking water affects thousands of U.S. communities, but 2022 will bring new focus to the problem as new Biden administration plans play out following passage of a $15 billion fund to replace lead service lines. TipSheet outlines the problem and the impact of a regulation carried over from the Trump era. Plus, seven reporting approaches to local and state-level stories.

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"New York Reduces Lead Level Allowed in School Drinking Water"

"New York State will strengthen its lead poisoning prevention law, reducing the amount allowed in drinking water at public schools and increasing testing frequency, under legislation signed Thursday by Gov. Kathy Hochul (D)."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 12/24/2021


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