Water & Oceans

"Marines, Toxic Water and Lawyers: A Fight Over Billions in Fees"

"A small South Carolina law firm angling to be the lead litigator in the Camp Lejeune toxic water cases spent $1.9 million lobbying US lawmakers in the last two years, as Congress approved a multibillion-dollar payout to sickened veterans that dropped a provision to limit the fees their lawyers could charge."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 03/24/2023

"Judge Halts Biden Administration Waters Rule in Texas, Idaho"

"A federal court judge in Texas issued a preliminary injunction against the Biden administration’s waters of the US, or WOTUS, rule late Sunday. The injunction applies only to Texas and Idaho. The 2023 WOTUS rule takes effect Monday in the rest of the country and determines which waters and wetlands receive federal protection under the Clean Water Act."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 03/21/2023


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