
"Top EPA Scientist Returns To Academia"

"Dr. Paul Anastas, a top EPA scientist who heads the agency’s research branch is leaving EPA and returning to Yale University in February."

"EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson announced the news in a memo to staff Thursday. Anastas is EPA’s formal science adviser and heads the Office of Research and Development."

Ben Geman reports for the Hill's E2 Wire January 6, 2012.

Source: Hill/E2 Wire, 01/09/2012
March 28, 2012 to March 30, 2012

Save the Planet International Eco Forum in Bulgaria

The Save the Planet conference is a communication platform for professionals from South-East Europe involved in the environment, waste management and recycling spheres. The 2012 program will include sessions and discussions on industry challenges and technical developments. Attendees will be able to see the latest products and solutions showcased at the parallel exhibition.



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