"Ice Bound: Our Reporter Boards An Icebreaker For 6 Weeks. Here's Why"
"An E&E News reporter spends six weeks on an icebreaker with scientists who are unraveling the mysteries of the Arctic."
"An E&E News reporter spends six weeks on an icebreaker with scientists who are unraveling the mysteries of the Arctic."
To help better cover climate change news, including during the upcoming United Nations Climate Action Summit, Sept. 23, in New York, the SEJournal offers a range of resources. Get the latest climate change headlines and EJToday's curated climate coverage. Check out our range of climate-related Issue Backgrounders, TipSheets and Reporter's Toolboxes, plus our Climate Change Guide and more.
"Six whistleblowers and ex-government scientists describe how the Trump administration made them bury climate science – and why they won’t stay quiet"
"The EPA routinely fails to disclose many new chemical documents it is required to make public under the Toxic Substances Control Act, environmental and worker advocates charge."
"EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler is — for the first time — likely this week to face sustained congressional questioning on his agency's handling of science. There will be plenty to discuss."
"Clean energy research and the interim storage of nuclear waste are big winners in the Senate's $48.9 billion fiscal 2020 Energy-Water spending bill released this morning [Thursday]."
"William Happer, the White House architect of a stalled plan to attack the established science of climate change, is leaving the Trump administration on Friday, according to three people familiar with his plans."
"President Trump told his staff that the nation’s leading weather forecasting agency needed to correct a statement that contradicted a tweet the president had sent wrongly claiming that Hurricane Dorian threatened Alabama, senior administration officials said."
"U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Andrew Wheeler said Tuesday he was signing a memo to reduce agency-funded animal testing, vowing to almost completely end the practice by 2035."
"Neil Jacobs, head of the federal scientific agency threatened with firings after one of its offices contradicted President Trump on Hurricane Dorian, defended the administration Tuesday even as he issued a carefully worded defense of agency scientists."