
"Japan Balked at Steps To Control Fukushima Water in 2011: Memo"

"Japanese authorities, now struggling to contain leaks of radioactive groundwater from the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant, were urged two years ago by U.S. experts to take immediate steps to prevent groundwater contamination but decided not to act on the advice."

Source: Reuters, 09/19/2013

"Lac Megantic: Environmental Report Details Extent of Contamination"

"There was never doubt that the deadly train derailment in Lac-Mégantic caused an environmental disaster, but a report made public this week by Quebec’s ministry of the environment details the extent of the devastation to the soil, river and lake near the disaster zone."

Source: Toronto Star, 09/18/2013

Pennsylvania: "Sewage Spills Continue Despite EPA Order"

"When a powerful storm unleashed 2 inches of rain on Allentown over six hours last summer, that water didn't just saturate lawns, flood roads and dampen basements. It also filled storm sewers with cascading water that blew the tops off manholes along the bloated sewage collection system."

Source: Allentown Morning Call, 09/10/2013


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