"Aggressive Tactic on the Fracking Front"
"A Pennsylvania gas company offers residents cash to buy protection from any claims of harm."
"A Pennsylvania gas company offers residents cash to buy protection from any claims of harm."
"New federal research using data from southern West Virginia show streams affected by mountaintop removal mining have fewer fish species and fish overall than other streams."
"In southwest Florida, county officials are fighting the state over a new oil drilling process that's known by many different names: acidification, acidizing, acid stimulation and acid fracking."
"ET Rover Pipeline Company has set a date of June 2017 to have the natural gas pipeline, which will cross Ohio and Michigan, running."
"Protesters gathered to illegally dredge for gold on Tuesday in an Idaho river where such mining is banned, in an open challenge to the U.S. government's authority to regulate public waters and lands in Western states, an organizer said."
"Plastic seems to be disappearing from the world's oceans, and scientists are not sure why."
"North Dakota Gov. Jack Dalrymple wants to expand his state's oil pipeline capacity, after the state's oil production reached the 1 million barrels per day mark. But, many worry about the potential environmental consequences such as oil spills."
"The Albany Court of Appeals Monday ruled New York cities and towns can ban hydraulic fracturing within their borders."
"Plastic junk is floating widely on the world's oceans, but there's less of it than expected, a study says."
"Potentially potent lawsuit claiming Exxon violated pollution laws after its 2013 Mayflower oil pipeline spill survives dismissal attempts."