"What to Do About Pig Poop? North Carolina Fights a Rising Tide"
"The pork-loving state faces challenges in protecting water from contamination."
"The pork-loving state faces challenges in protecting water from contamination."
"The nation’s first-ever regulations on the storage and disposal of coal ash have been sent to the White House for final review."
"Climate change has thrown historic rain patterns out of whack. Sanitation departments throughout the Midwest are bracing to keep up with more frequent and intense runoff."
"The BP oil spill left an oily "bathub ring" on the sea floor that's about the size of Rhode Island, new research shows."
"The 2014 season for Lake Michigan's only coal-powered passenger and car ferry comes to a close Sunday, signaling the end of the controversial practice of dumping coal ash into the Great Lake. When the vessel resumes operations in 2015, it will no longer release the waste material into those waters."
"Federal appellate judges greenlighted yesterday U.S. EPA's implementation of a program to curb air pollution that drifts between states."
"West Virginia regulators have revoked the state certification for a Raleigh County laboratory, following the guilty plea of a lab supervisor who admitted he and other employees falsified coal industry samples so mining operations would appear to be in compliance with water pollution standards."
"Citing a rash of contaminated wells in Kewaunee County, a coalition of environmental groups on Wednesday petitioned the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to use its emergency authority to investigate pollution of groundwater from dairy manure."
"As the Tomblin administration considers a plan to allow natural gas drilling under the Ohio River, a major chemical maker in Marshall County has been fighting a proposal for hydraulic fracturing near its plant, citing a 'near-catastrophic' gas-well incident last year that might be linked to geologic conditions beneath the river."
"Nearly one in five large Maryland chicken farms has been fined recently, state regulators have disclosed, because the growers failed to file information required annually outlining what they did to keep their flocks' waste from polluting the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries."