
"An Explosive Problem: The Radford Arsenal’s Toxic Operations"

"At military bases across the country, the Department of Defense (DoD) has for decades relied on a practice known as open burn/open detonation (OB/OD) to destroy excess, unserviceable, or obsolete military munitions, including small arms cartridges, rockets, mortars, missiles, and other items."

Source: Ctr. for Progressive Reform, 09/29/2022

Texas Is Now the Nation’s Biggest Emitter of Toxics Into Water

"Texas is a notably easy place to set up shop for industrial projects with lots of liquid waste and nowhere good to put it. The state’s waterways are open for business, an analysis of Environmental Protection Agency data shows, to send large volumes of discarded chemicals and industrial discharge downstream and out to sea."

Source: Inside Climate News, 09/28/2022

"Revealed: The ‘Shocking’ Levels Of Toxic Lead In Chicago Tap Water"

"One in 20 tap water tests performed for thousands of Chicago residents found lead, a neurotoxin, at or above US government limits, according to a Guardian analysis of a City of Chicago data trove."

Source: Guardian, 09/22/2022

"Fury Over ‘Forever Chemicals’ as US States Spread Toxic Sewage Sludge"

"States are continuing to allow sewage sludge to be spread on cropland as fertilizer and in some cases increasing the amount spread, even as the PFAS-tainted substance has ruined farmers’ livelihoods, poisoned water supplies, contaminated food and put the public’s health at risk."

Source: Guardian, 09/21/2022

In Puerto Rico The Vast Majority Of People Have No Clean Water

"The vast majority of Puerto Rican homes have been plunged into darkness after Hurricane Fiona wiped out the power grid, but people on the island are facing another devastating emergency: How to access clean water?"

Source: NPR, 09/21/2022


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