
What’s in the Air in Kids’ Schools? Lessons on Addressing Indoor Pollution

Now that kids are mostly back in school (and perhaps longing for snow days to send them back home), environmental reporters might want to start exploring some of the things that could make them sick. Not viruses, but potential pollutants. TipSheet explores the problem and why current law may do little to address it.

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Earlier Warning Might Have Spared Ohio A Derailment, Investigator Says

"A U.S. train derailment that spilled toxic chemicals in an Ohio town might have been avoided if the railway company's alarm system had given engineers an earlier warning that bearings were overheating, the chair of the National Transportation Safety Board said on Thursday with the release of a preliminary investigation."

Source: Reuters, 02/24/2023

"How Widespread Are These Toxic Chemicals? They’re Everywhere."

"Polar bears in the Arctic and plankton in the Pacific. Cardinals in Atlanta and crocodiles in South Africa." "Researchers created a map showing where PFAS compounds, linked to cancer in humans, have been detected in wildlife. It spans the globe."

Source: NYTimes, 02/23/2023


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