
Jackson Memo Leaves EPA Response on Openness in Doubt

Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility says the Dec. 21 memo implies that existing EPA openness policy meets White House criteria. Meanwhile, the Office of Management and Budget may again be tampering with agency science for political purposes — accused by Arizona congressman Raúl Grijalva (pictured) of censoring FOIA'd documents relating to the mid-summer estimate of Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

SEJ Publication Types: 
December 16, 2010

High Seas Marine Protected Areas: Safeguarding Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction

Co-sponsored by the Environmental Law Institute and the District of Columbia Bar, this event is free and open to the public. You may also join the session via webinar or teleconference. RSVP required.

January 19, 2011 to January 21, 2011

Our Changing Oceans - NCSE's 11th National Conference on Science, Policy, and the Environment

The conference will provide a forum, divided into eight themes, to address the crisis facing our oceans, new knowledge and innovative tools to address the challenge, and the policy and governance needed to restore and protect the oceans.

October 28, 2010

GHG Reporting Rule So Far: Lessons Learned and Changes to Consider

This seminar looks at the implementation of the reporting rule as we near the end of 2010, and the issues that will likely arise as the first reporting deadline in March 2011 draws near. The seminar will also explore the recent proposed and final amendments to the rule, particularly regarding confidentiality of reported information.


FBI Wrongly Put Greenpeace, PETA, on Terrorist List: IG

FBI agents during the Bush administration "investigated members of the environmental advocacy group Greenpeace over their protest activities 'with little or no basis,' [a Justice Department Inspector General's] report said. Agents kept the case open for more than three years, even though no charges were filed, and put the activists on a terrorist watch list, it said."

Source: Wash Post, 09/21/2010
September 28, 2010

Supreme Court Preview

Join the Environmental Law Institute for its annual Associate Seminar with some of the pre-eminent experts on environmental law and the Court to examine the docketed cases, changes in the Court, and the implications of prior decisions.


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